Scale Model Horse Drawn Vehicles
This is your page, The Scale
Model Horse Drawn Vehicle enthusiast, where you can send pictures of
the models you've done and email them
to "The Scale Model Horse Drawn Vehicle" web site, to be
put in the Gallery. I want to thank each and every one of you who
have and will participate in sending pictures of your models. If
you haven't
yet sent your model in please do, as I will be proud to show off
your creations here in the Model Gallery. Please do not send kit
built models,
or models of very poor quality, as these will not be displayed in
the gallery. |
ß This model of a "Yellowstone Coach" was built by Dale Ford of Redding, California, America, and is one of a collection of 15 models that was at one time offered for sale, as were the following 4 models. Made by Abbot-Downing, the company that made the famous Concord Stage Coach, this sightseeing coach was also slung on leather thoroughbraces. It would carry eleven passengers and the driver; on sightseeing trips around the park, from a two day trip, to a complete tour of the park which took five days. The fringed top on iron supports protected the occupants from the blazing Montana sun.
"Chuck Wagon" by Dale Ford of Redding, California, à America. The Cowboy “Chuck Wagon” needs little introduction, and is regarded as one of the “classic” and most well known of all horse drawn vehicles, along with vehicles like the Conestoga Wagon, Prairie Schooner, Wells Fargo Stagecoach and ‘The Surrey with the Fringe on the Top’, as these have been featured many times in movie films, (westerns) for many decades; from the silent era to the present day. But the high time of the trail drives lasted only about 20 years, from the end of the Civil War to the mid -1880's. In that brief period of time around 10 million cows walked the trails from Texas to the rail heads in Kansas and Missouri. Many of these went as far as Wyoming and even into Canada. |
ß "Mud Wagon" by Dale Ford of Redding, California, America. Although looking somewhat similar to the Concord coach, the “Mud Wagon” was a lighter and more rugged vehicle, able to carry loads over roads more hazardous than those which the Concord coach traveled. It was more open and often only had a canvas top and sides; consequently it cost only about half that of a Concord coach. The stage would often make 125 miles a day, stopping only a short time at the swing stations, merely to replace the team of six horses. |
"Army Escort Wagon" by Dale Ford of Redding, à California, America. The standard four-mule escort wagon had a load capacity of three thousand pounds on good roads. Perfected and standardized during and immediately following the Spanish-American War, hundreds of these wagons were used to patrol the Mexican border and thousands were sent to France during World War 1. Over the years they were built by a number of government-approved contractors like Studebaker, Kentucky, Thornhill and other well-known brands. Each of the pieces was designed for rapid deployment, exceptional strength and ease of maintenance. |
ß "Concord Stagecoach" by Dale Ford of Redding, California America. Of all the different types of carriage, the Concord coach probably evokes the sprit of the “Wild West” more than any other. Chased by red Indians, and held up by notorious outlaws it has passed into American folk history and legend, thanks in no small way to the Hollywood “Western” films. |
A 1/8th scale model of a Hampshire Waggon built by Cliff Rogers of Abergavenny, from John Thompson plans.
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This photograph was taken in 1979 at an exhibition at the Pitstone Local History Society Museum, and shows a 1/8th scale model of a Northamptonshire Waggon? From a drawing by David Wray. (Modelmaker unknown). If anyone can identify this model and the maker please let me know. ß |
Robert Nichols from Columbia, Missouri USA, has submitted the following two superb models. They are both built to 1/12th scale from bass wood, chemically blackened brass, and spring steel tyres. The Conestoga Wagon shown right was built from Criss Cross plans and pictures from several books. à |
Robert Nichols from Columbia, Missouri USA built the 1/12th scale model of a Prairie Schooner, (left) from John Thompson plans. Note the scale model lamp, rifle, saw, spade and pick axe, essential tools on the long journey to the new life in California and Oregon. ß |
Pete Womochil, of Carefree, Arizona has submitted the "Horse Drawn Bottom Dump Wagon" shown right. The original wagon was last used in the 1930's to repair/rebuild a section of US Highway 66 in northeastern Arizona. The model is a 1/8th scale replication of the original with steam bent felloes, tongue and groove side boards, working bottom dump doors with chain winch and over 350 individually made #00-90 scale carriage type bolts and square nuts. à |
Move mouse pointer over picture to see side view. |
ß "Radish" is a model maker who lives in Brisbane, Australia. He has made a number of SMHDV, all in 1/12th scale. The model shown left is a Light Spring Waggon made from plans/drawings published in a set of three books by J E Bishop, circa 1900. The paint used is enamel house paint; the pinstriping is done using Corel Draw, and then getting them printed to transfers. The timber used for all of these models is Tasmanian Myrtle, a hardwood with no noticeable grain, which takes an excellent paint finish. Notice the small front wheels which are able to turn under the waggon, this would assist manoeuvrability in some of the narrow streets when transporting products to market. You can see other models made by Radish here:- |
Another fine example of the work of a skilled model wheelwright is this Farm Waggon built by Radish of Brisbane, Australia. The tyres on all of Radish’s models are made of steel and then heated up on the electric hotplates until they turn blue; they are then rubbed down with steel wool to give them an authentic appearance. Note the decorative curved timbers (shutters) on the double shafts. This wagon has iron supports (strouters) supporting the outraves on both sides of the body. The cutout in the nave is so that the lynch pin can be removed if the wheel has to be replaced. Move mouse pointer over picture to see side view. à |
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ß This 1/12th scale model of a Skeletal Waggon was made by Radish of Brisbane, Australia. The original is owned by a Mr Bob Bone in Brisbane. Radish took dozens of photographs and accurate measurements (especially of the skeletal parts) and then produced his own scale drawings. All parts are scratchbuilt, including nuts and bolts. The original waggon was used by Cobb & Co to go from Uleba to Surat, not many passengers, but lots of freight, it still has the five horse hitch on the drawbar, two to the swingles and three up front. This vehicle's full description is a "Skeletal Waggon on Three Reach Undercarrige with a Buckboard type seat fitted". Move mouse pointer over picture to see rear view. |
two pictures shown below are of a 1/8th scale model of a Sydney
Brass Sulky circa 1920's made by Radish of Brisbane, Australia.
Do take a look at the bigger images to see the detailed decals which
have been applied to this beautiful model. To see more of this superlative
model, open this link: SULKY |
Heavy timber and girder jinker (Shown below) This
is a 1/12th scale model made by Radish of Brisbane, Australia; and
shows a jinker of the original type, such as employed as part of
the rolling stock of the timber mill. The introduction of immense
quantities of iron girders and pillars in the construction of modern
buildings led to these vehicles being extensively used to transport
these girders. They were made in various sizes, but generally the
front portion is built so that it can be used in conjunction with
the hind portions of different weights and capacities. Notice that
contrary to the usual custom, the centre of the rear cranked axle
is made heavier, making this the strongest part of the axle. To
make an axle of this description is a steam hammer job, quite beyond
the capabilities of the ordinary smith shop. The forecarriage consists
of a pair of shafts with a platform between cross bar and bolsters
on which is carried rollers, feed bags, chain and jacks etc.The
nave brakes are in full working order on this model. |
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Heavy Float. (Shown below) Here
is another outstanding model made in 1/12th scale by Radish of Brisbane,
Australia. The rear cranked axle enables the floor of the vehicle
to be close to the ground which makes it easier to load the heavy
bulky items which this vehicle would transport. The nave brakes
on the Heavy Float are in full working order on this model also.
Clicking on the last picture of the three below will display a 1935
photo of a monument being transported by team of draft horses in
front of the Victorian Parliament House. |
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Plate Glass Float. (Shown below) Another
model made by Radish, from plans taken from the "Coach
Builder Atlas of Scale Drawings" by J.E. Bishop & Co.,Sydney
& Melbourne. Model made in 1/12th scale. This also has a rear
axle and nave brakes as on the Heavy Float, also in full working
order. The large loose sheets of plate glass would have been carried
in a nearly vertical position, and not flat. Details on the working
drawing are taken from a float used by Brooks, Robinson & Co;
Melbourne. Note that the forecarriage is in front of the body, the
wheels being of a narrower track and placed far enough forward to
allow for a full lock. Clicking on the last picture of the three
below will display the drawing of the moveable frame for holding
sheets of plate glass. |
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à These two excellent models have been sent in by Ron Curzon who lives in England. Ron is a member of 'The Guild of Model Wheelwrights'. The model to the right is a 1/8th scale Oxfordshire Waggon built from John Thompson plans. This is a beautiful model to build, and shows the craftsmanship of the village wheelwright at its very best. |
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ß This stately 1/8th scale model of an East-Anglian Waggon, made by Ron Curzon, is also from John Thompson plans. The actual vehicle was amongst one of the largest and heaviest ever built in England. A man of 6ft. 4in. would have had to stand on tip-toe to look over the side at its lowest point and the rear wheels were around 5½ft. in diameter. |
Rob Prentice, and his wife Linda, live in Queensland, Australia and both are model makers’ par excellent! Rob has made a number of outstanding model horse drawn vehicles and Linda, who is into making scale harnesses and dolls house fittings, has also had a hand in producing some parts of these lovely 1/12th scale models. The model shown right is a 14-passenger Cobb & Co. Stage Coach. The original vehicle is housed in the Cobb & Co. museum in Toowoomba and is in bad need of repair. Rob spent many hours taking accurate measurements, photos and sketches of the vehicle to produce an authentic model, as close to the original as it is possible to get. This was the last coach to run between Surat and Yuleba in Queensland on 14 August 1924 - just over 70 years after the first passenger coach had rolled out of Melbourne on 30 January 1854! Move mouse pointer over picture to see close up view.à |
ß A 1/12th scale model of a 3 Reach Buggy, made by Rob and Linda Prentice of Queensland, Australia. |
à This unusual and interesting model is of a 16th century Swivel Galloper, - a specialized type of horse artillery. It is made in 1/8th scale using lime wood, and was sent in by John Walford, a member of 'The Guild of Model Wheelwrights.' From a contemporary artist's drawing, and thought to be Spanish, in spite of the Tudor Rose Bosses. It is believed to be the earliest example known to use a screw elevation mechanism. |
ß "Barron" Tree Transplanter
The photograph to the right shows a superb 1/8th scale model of a Royal Veterinary Corps Mark II Horse Ambulance made by Brian Simpson, a GOMW member who lives in Staffordshire. As well as the many hours spent in making the model, Brian has spent considerable time in researching the subject by corresponding and visiting various sources to achieve a model as close to authentic as is possible. There is much interesting detail in the vehicle that is difficult to see from the photograph, like the adjustable jacks on each corner to steady the ambulance whilst the injured horse is made safe and secure, and the way the ambulance can be assembled around the horse thus causing minimal stress to the animal. The steel hoop that can be seen arched over the ambulance is to secure a wide strap which passes under the animals belly, should the horse then become unconscious or not be able to stand it is prevented from collapsing. Brian has even researched the driver’s uniform and regimental insignia, and also carved the ambulance driver and both the horses from American bass wood. à |
When this model was recently displayed at the Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition on the 15th October 2005, it received a well deserved 1st Prize. |
ß Another photograph taken at the same Exhibition in Warwickshire, showing John Castle’s 1/8th scale model of a Somerset Waggon, made from David Wray plans. It is believed that there are only three of these 'Cock Raved' Waggons surviving; two in the Tiverton Museum and one at MERL, Reading. There is a wealth of elaborate chamfering and shaping to the timbers on this waggon and John has achieved this in a most detailed manner that shows the wheelwrights craft at its finest. |
This 1/8th scale British Army Travelling Forge has been made by Joe Cartledge, a long-time member of the GOMW. The travelling forge consisted of, besides the limber, a framework of three rails and crossties, on which was fixed a bellows and a fireplace. The stock, held up by a prop, served as support for a vice. Behind the bellows was placed a coal box, which had to be removed before the bellows could be put into position. The limber chest box provided a place to store the tools for use with the forge, horseshoes, nails, spare parts for carriages, harness hardware and other necessary materials and supplies. Ideally, each field artillery battery would have a travelling forge. The forge had to be light and moveable as possible, in order to be able to repair promptly any carriage that might become disabled. à |
ß John Prior is also a Guild member who has displayed a number of fine models on the Societies Stand. Here to the left is shown a 1/8th scale Courage Show Dray from John Thompson plans. The actual vehicle was built in the Old Kent Road and can now be seen at the Courage Shire Horse Centre, near Maidenhead. It can be fitted with shafts for a single horse, (as shown) or a central pole for a pair. The fittings are displayed, including one of the barrels.
Brian Simpson discovered this unusual vehicle outside a pub in Staffordshire in 2001. Following two years of research the owner was finally traced who stated that the wagon was bought from a Bavarian farmer who was using it in the forest to carry logs. After further research and "surfing" the Internet, Brian contacted the Curator of a working farm museum in Finsterau in Bavaria, who suggested that such a lightweight waggon was unlikely designed for carrying logs, and Brian’s further correspondence with a Bavarian lady indicates that these vehicles were common on farms and were used for carrying crops such as hay. By 2004 the actual waggon outside the Staffordshire pub was rapidly disintegrating, so measurements and about 200 photos were taken by Brian and plans drawn with the intention of making a model. à |
Work on the model was started in April 2004 and completed in the November of that year. |
Click on each picture for a bigger view. á The three pictures above show a superb 1/12th scale model of a Napoleonic Field Gun and Limber, circa 1853; made by "Radish", who lives in Brisbane, Australia. This is the type of gun developed for Napoleon III, and subsequently used by the British and U.S. armies in the second half of the Nineteenth century. The limber was used to transport the gun, and also carried the ammunition boxes, and a further ammunition waggon would have followed up the rear. This was the last set of plans designed by Barrie Voisey, and is considered by many to be his best work. Radish has achieved a lot of fine detail on this model, like the three wooden pails which are 25mm tall, each made from 14 separate slats held in place by 3 soldered brass rings which were gently hammered to the required taper on a tapered steel mandrel; just like the jewellers use for sizing rings! The rope was made by platting crochet cotton, and this is used for the pails and also wrapped around the business end of the cannon ram which can be seen attached to the side of the cannon timber in the bottom left picture. The attractive patina on the barrel has been achieved by a light sand blasting, and then dunking it into a blackening chemical, then a brass wire brush was used to get that slightly polished lighter colour on the high points, and then finally, a couple of coats of Testors semi-gloss clear lacquer. |
á. The two delightful 1/8th scale models of "Knackers Carts" show above and below, and made by Paul Woods, who lives in Oxfordshire in the UK, are a revelation, and goes to show what can be achieved with very basic tools! At the time of making these models Paul had no lathe, just a bench drill and stand. The naves were made from a broom handle. Other timbers used were pine, beech and ramin; some were purchased the right size, whilst others were cut with a 10inch table saw. The lining out was all done by hand, carefully preparing by masking out. In the top left-hand picture you may just be able to see the fine lining out on each of the spokes where they fit into the nave. The picture to the top right-hand shows a closer view of the lining out on each of the chamfered edges. Note also the pole axe fitted to the side of the cart, and the ratchet and winch set between the shafts. The cart does actually have rubber tyres; Paul e-mailed rubber manufacturers for samples and used gasket rubber, cut into 3mm strips using a metal edge and a craft knife. The actually vehicle is housed in a friends warehouse where Paul took measurements from which he produced plans.
Despite the purpose they were used for, these carts were well looked after and attractively painted with detailed chamfering on many of the timbers. |
Move mouse pointer over picture to see rear view. |
ß "Popsarsi", a model maker who lives in Hamilton , New Zealand, has made about 15 wagons/carts over the past 25 years. The Bow Top, shown left, was his first introduction to model making. Made in 1986 with limited tools, The tools used at the time were:- panel saw, Stanley plane, hacksaw blade, craft knife, large file, sand paper & Black & Decker drill. The scale is 1/8th, taken from line drawings and descriptions in "The English Gypsy Caravan", by C. H. Ward-Jackson & Denis E. Harvey. The wood is Heart Rimu, Dacrydium cupressinum probably the most popular turning wood in NZL The lamps, which are not traditional, are brass fittings out of old lights with glass tops from medical snap of vials as is the chimneys. The entire wagon is made out of scrap material. |
Brian Simpson is a member of the Guild of Model Wheelwrights, and I had the good fortune of meeting and talking with Brian at the Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition in October 2005. Our conversation was primarily to do with SMHDV, and Brian mentioned how much he liked my web site, and in particular the link to this Stone Lifting Machine located in Owen Sound, Ontario Canada, so much so, that he felt that he would like to make a model of this unusual machine! "You make the model Brian, send me a picture of it, and I will gladly put it in the Model Gallery" I promised. Well, here it is and what a great model! I would think that this is the first model ever made of this machine. Brian decided to try to model it from the photos and wheel measurements provided by Martin Donald, a volunteer at The County of Grey Museum.à |
Brian then scaled the rest of the photos of the vehicle from that information – the first time he had scaled from photos. |
á This outstanding model of a horse-drawn omnibus has been made by Ralph Kitching, a member of the Guild of Model Wheelwrights who lives in London. This vehicle would have been drawn by two horses and could seat 12 passengers inside and 14 outside on the roof of the carriage, which was accessed by the large platform and staircase at the rear of the vehicle. The London General Omnibus Company (L.G.O.C.) had a total of 1,373 buses and an incredible total of 16,714 horses. This number was required because each omnibus needed 10 horses to stay on the road covering a duty of four trips a day of 3½ hours average duration. A fresh team was used for each trip, and the fifth pair given a rest day. The London Transport Museum and the Science Museum have a number of full size vehicles on display, as well as a number of scale models built to a scale of 2 inches to the foot, (1/6th scale). |
á The first horse-drawn buses appeared in London in 1829, and continued to be a major part of the city's public transport system until the outbreak of the First World War, when the success of motorized buses made the horse-drawn omnibuses redundant. The last recorded horse omnibus in London ran its last journey between Peckham and Honor Oak Tavern on 4 August 1914. |
These next two excellent models have been made by Kees van Uden who was born in the Netherlands and moved with his family to New Zealand in 1960. Kees started making Horse drawn Carriages about 30 years ago, and has completed around 30 models during those years. The timber used is the native New Zeeland Kauri Pine - Agathis australis – the largest species of tree in New Zealand which can live to a great age; it is a very fine grained wood, and is ideal for model making. The photograph shown right is a 1/6th scale model of John Thompson's Brush Waggon. This vehicle was used around 1888 for selling Brushes, brooms and Carpet Pieces. Kees has also included a number of interior fitting, like a black-lead stove, carpets, bed linen, and cupboards. The model was made in 2004 and took approximately 9 months to complete. This is the first model of a Brush Waggon I have seen! à |
Move mouse pointer over picture to see detail of interior of brush wagon. |
ß Another model made by Kees van Uden, is this 1/8th scale Otahuhu Coach, shown right. This coach was used for passengers around Auckland in the 1870, and was drawn by four horses; similar types were used up until 1914. Kees planned and research this model quite thoroughly but was unable to find much information about it, and there was nothing left of the waggons to compare with. Photographs from a book by Lodestar Press NZ called “The Horse Drawn Days” was of some help. To see close-up of rear wheel move mouse pointer over picture. |
You wait years to see a picture of a brush wagon, and then two come along together! J This photo, and the following four, were taken at the Midlands Woodworking and Woodturning Exhibition, a three day event ( April 21st – 23rd), held at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre. The model shown here was made by Guild Member Joe Cartledge. Joe has used beech, rescued from a school who had decided to update to plastic moulded desks and consign the traditional beech ones to a bonfire! Joe could not stand by and see all this wonderful seasoned timber go up in flames and therefore managed to save a number of these to be put to good use. A number of the vendor’s goods are on display, the various brushes and brooms hanging on the side of the wagon, three legged and four legged stools, canes and walking sticks and in the foreground can be seen two washing dollies. Joe would like to include a few rolls of lino and carpet to be displayed, but has yet to find suitable materials in a 1/8th scale that would look authentic.à |
Move mouse pointer over picture to see side view. |
ß The Coal Merchants Trolley was once a familiar sight in city streets and towns. This 1/8th scale model has been made by Guild Member Brian Simpson, and whilst this looks quite straightforward to make, there is interesting detail in the springs and various fittings. As this was primarily an urban vehicle, used on paved roads, large rear wheels were not needed and indeed would have been a handicap to the coalman when accessing the loaded coal sacks and lifting them from the trolley. Brian has also included the weights and weighing instrument. These would have been of a form approved by the Local Authority, and the coalman would have been required by law to carry these on the vehicle and would have to weigh or re-weigh any coal in these sacks at the request of a purchaser, or by anyone on their behalf, or by an Inspector of Weights and Measures. |
á Roger Morgan, who lives in Surrey, is a member of the Guild of Model Wheelwrights. Shown here is Roger’s 1/8th scale model of John Thompson's Milk Float, the actual vehicle can be seen in the National Dairy Museum at Wellington Country Park, near Reading. The photo above is slightly out-of-focus and doesn’t show the fine hand painted detail. |
Shown above is a closer view of the hand painted detail.This has been done by Roger’s 20 year old niece, who has demonstrated here, her steady hand and eye in painting this model! |
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ßThe traditional Shepherds Hut has been authentically reproduced here by Guild Member Brian Simpson. The hut would have been fully equipped and might have had to be towed several miles from the farm to the field where the sheep were during lambing time, so that a constant watch could be kept on the ewes and new born lambs. In a copy of a 1894 Country Gentleman's Catalogue, there is an advertisement for a similar hut costing £3.10! A shepherd's wages, according to J. Alfred Eggar in 1870, was 35 shillings a week and £5 at Michaelmas. He also received a cottage and a garden rent free, half a ton of coal, 50 bavins (which are bundles of fire-wood), £1 a year for the keep of a dog, and six pence for every lamb reared. Shepherds were highly valued men. Move mouse pointer over picture to see detail of interior. |
Texas rancher Charles Goodnight is credited with creating the prototype for the chuck wagon. In 1866, he and his partner, Oliver Loving, made preparations to take a herd of 2,000 longhorn cattle from near fort Belknap in northern Texas, to Denver. Goodnight purchased a government wagon and had it completely rebuilt according to his specifications in seasoned bois d'arc, the toughest wood available. The high time of the trail drives lasted only about 20 years, from the end of the Civil War to the mid -1880's. Guild Member Roger Morgan has recreated this classic vehicle in 1/8th scale from John Thompson's plans. There is a wealth of detail in the running gear and the various cooking utensils stored at the rear. à |
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ß The model of the 1/8th scale Young & Co Brewers Dray shown left was made by Hefin Jones, who lives in Harlech, Gwynedd, in north-west Wales. A Guild member of only three months Hefin made his first HDV model in the late 1970s. His latest model, and most elaborate to date, is the Brewers Dray. The plans are from the Voisey Collection and feature a number of interesting details, like the springs supporting the fifth wheel, and the hinged name board that can be dropped down when not loaded with barrels to enable the dray to be housed in the shed. Hefin has made all 14 barrels by cutting thick straight strips with a “V” shaped profile. These are then laid around a mandrel and glued; then while still on the mandrel the outside is turned to the curved barrel shape. Result!....a perfect looking barrel, and the geometry is correct! |
Ploughing prepares land for crop-growing. In each pass across a
field, the plough cuts out a slice of earth and turns it over. This
has the effect of burying weeds, aerating the soil and easing the
absorption of surface moisture. After a period of weathering, which
helps to break down heavy clods into a more crumbly texture, the
land can be harrowed to produce an even seed bed. Essential features
of the plough have remained the same since medieval times: a horizontal
beam to which is attached a ploughshare and knife coulter to cut
the furrow slice, and a mouldboard to turn it over. Improvements
in design and efficiency evolved over the centuries but quickened
in pace from the Victorian period.
The two ploughs shown right are in 1/8th scale and have been submitted by Biddy Hepper, a member of the Guild of Model Wheelwrights. They are fascinating subjects to model, and have the advantage that all the work can be done by hand, since you have no large wheels to make as on the carts and waggons.à |
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During the 1st
and 2nd July 2006, the Guild
of Model Wheelwrights held an exhibition at the Blists Hill Open
Air Museum, Telford, where many Guild members bought along their
models to display to the many hundreds of visitors to the museum.
Greville Lyons, a Guild member who lives in Cheshire, bought along
this 1/8th scale
model of John Thompson's "Brook Bond" Tea Van. Although
at first glance this van seems just a “box on wheels”
it has actually quite a complex structure. The wooden standards
are morticed through the bottom sides, middle and top raves, and
the joints secured by dowels, and around 300 coachbolts are used
in its construction. Vans of this type carried the bulk of city
trade in late Victorian and Edwardian times and many firms ran their
own stables, but the wear and tear of city work on both vehicles
and horses favoured the larger scale operations of transport firms
such as Lloyds, who operated vans on contract. |
As with the previous model, this, and the following three models were photographed at the Blists Hill Open Air Museum. John Walford, a Guild member from Redditch, Worcestershire has made this 1/8th scale Dutch Military Waggon, circa 1860, based on plans by Frans Zwartjes. The model is displayed in the same state as that in which it would have been delivered to the Dutch Army, i.e. unpainted. This was to enable the checking of the quality of workmanship and materials without any possible faults being obscured by paint. The waggon is unusual, in that the front axle can move in three planes, ensuring that all four wheels can stay on the ground, even on very uneven surfaces. It is also unusual for hexagonal nuts to be used on the coachbolts, British waggons of this period would have used square nuts. Move mouse pointer over lower picture to see front axle detail. à |
ß Mick Davis is a GOMW member who lives in Wolverhampton, and shown here is his 1/8th scale Lincolnshire Potato Cart made from David Wray plans. David Wray says of this vehicle – “A long-boarded tip cart of ‘Raved’ as opposed to ‘Dung-Cart’ build. The design is elaborate and uncommon. Although seen at Harringworth, Northhants, the owner describes it as a Lincolnshire Potato Cart. When seen it had been recently used for carting dung. Its condition was exceptionally good, and it was probably built as a prestige vehicle for market use rather than for pure farm use…” |
Guild member Ralph Kitching has made this Monmouthshire Farm Waggon in 1/12th scale from John Thompson plans. The actual full size wagon was built in a village wheelwright’s shop on the Welsh border. It has panelled sides with chamfered wooden standards, a sweeping line in the body and beautifully curved parts in the shafts. John Thompson recommends this lovely little waggon as a first choice for anyone starting out in making SMHDV, as there is plenty of detail to give an interesting model, while the basic construction is simple enough to present no problems. à |
Move mouse pointer over picture to see close-up |
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ß Guild member Greville Lyons has made this Bow Top Caravan from John Thompson plans in 1/8th scale. This is the Open Lot type, in which the front is closed only by curtains, so it is very suitable for the modelmaker who wishes to fit out the interior and possibly display it with an internal light. A sheet of photographs is included with the plans, to show the beautiful paintwork executed by Peter Ingram, the well known Gypsy waggon decorator and restorer. Built in Halifax in 1934, and used regularly in Yorkshire until 1973, it is now on display at Paulton’s Park, near Romsey. |
This 1/12th scale model of a Hornsby Hedge Cutter was made by Guild member Brian Young. Notice the two seats; there would have been a driver to lead the horses, and someone sitting in the rear seat operating the up and down movement and the sideways movement of the cutter to avoid the possibility of large branches and other obstacles from fouling the blades. Move mouse pointer over picture to see different view. |
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The two pictures shown above were submitted by John Ladlow. The first is a model of a Kent Turnwrest plough from David Wray drawings. John has recently 'restored' this model, as it is over twenty years ago that it was made. John quotes - “I think it took me about sixty hours, It is made from oak and steel. There is an argument for not using the original wood that would have been used in modelling as the grain could be perceived as not being in scale. But I used oak which at anyrate is the right colour. I remember having some fun making the wheels, how they were actually made originally I do not honestly know. But I made a steel rim from round wire, filing it flat on three sides and then soldering it into a hoop. The spokes were tennoned into the hub and then the hoop was sprung on to them. As I understand it the plough would be used in difficult and heavy soils sometimes demanding as many as six horses, which must have taken considerable strength and skill in handling............ |
ß The idea is that at the end of each furrow, from which we get the measurement furlong (furrowlong), the plough could be turned around and come back alongside the furrow just created, A forerunner to the modern 'turnover plough'. The furrow was created by the use of a double sided share, and the coulter was repositioned and kept in place by a sprung ash stick. The mould board is detachable and reversed and held in place by a spiggot known as a 'cundleham', A good word for a scrabble game. Interestingly is the way that a set of parallel bars connect from the top beam to the front gallows, this enables the forward traction to keep the plough digging into the soil. To say that the design was conceived three to four hundred years ago is remarkable. The second model is of a Ransomes "YL" all iron plough, also made about twenty years ago.John says -"It was from a JT plan and is in 1/8th scale. It was made with all hand tools as I did not have any powered tools at that time so it took forever I recall. I cut the parts out of an old steel water tank that had been removed from a Manor House loft. All the nuts and bolts I made from bits of rod and strip steel. As the nuts are all square I drilled holes in a strip, tapped each hole and then cut and filed to size, not difficult but time consuming. I threaded a steel rod for the bolts and hammered over the ends to make the heads. I know it took a long time but was satisfying. I remember when I exhibited it at the model engineering exhibition in Wembley overhearing two chaps saying that something like what I had done was a piece of cake as they could do all their models at work on fancy engineering equipment! The Ransome plough was significant in the history of engineering as it was the first ever piece of machinery to be made in separate parts and in massed production, so all the parts were replaceable. It dates from 1901.” |
This exquisite little sulky has been made in 1/16th scale by Alejandro who lives in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Alejandro took many measurements and photographs of the actual full-size vehicle from which he produced his own plans. Visit Alejandro's home page HERE |
ß The detailed and decorative artwork is called “Filete Porteño” in Argentina, and its origins can be found in the carts factories where the craft pioneers actually created it while making the carts ornamentation. Unfortunately there is very little documentation about the fileteado's genesis and subsequent development. Greengrocers, milkmen and tradesmen of every kind would adorn their vehicles with this rich and colourful artwork, displaying scrolling lines, acanthus leaves, flowers and bunches of grapes; much like the richly decorated gypsy caravans seen in the early to mid 1900s here in the UK! Deplorably, in 1975, the government of the day bought in a rule that forbade this decoration as it was considered a distraction to bus drivers!!! I believe that restriction is still in force nowadays. Fortunately, “Filete Porteño” is still kept alive by dedicated people who still teach and practice this art. Alejandro has done this with this and a number of other models. Move mouse pointer over picture to see closer detail. |
The 1/12th scale model of a "McKay" Sunshine Stripper/Harvester has been made by Guild member Brian Young. The original can be seen at the Science Museum as Wroughton in Wiltshire. It took Brian approximately 1600 hours to complete, and the model was finished in August 2001. Steel, ramin and leather are the materials used. Frustrated
by the slow and laborious nature of harvesting wheat, Hugh Victor
McKay, at the age of 18, assembled a stripper harvester on his father’s
property at Drummarton, Victoria, in 1884. While a number of similar
machines had been developed, the popularity of the Sunshine Stripper
Harvester was able to secure McKay’s place as one of the most
successful agricultural implement makers in Australia. The harvester
played an important role in establishing Australia as a leading
cereal producing country, and was one of the first manufactured
products to be exported. à |
Move mouse pointer over picture to see front view. At its peak the Sunshine Harvester Works employed 3,000 workers, covered 30.7 hectares (76 acres) and was the largest manufacturing plant in Australia. |
In October 2004, Ron Curzon a Guild member who lives in Nottingham, found this Pipe Drug rotting away in a field at Elvaston Castle in Derbyshire. Although in a very poor condition it still had all four wheels and Ron made three further visits to measure it all up and draught a number of rough sketches. As it was decided to not paint the model, American Walnut was used for all timber work and mild steel for the iron work. This has given it an attractive look that is very suitable for this type of model. All the woodwork – including the wheels – took just a little over a month to do, and during this time, due to Ron’s contact with various local |
authorities who knew very little about this vehicle and its history, it was decided by the powers that be, to attempt to preserve it by moving it to Clay Mills Pumping Station, Burton on Trent, where it would be housed and protected from the elements! Unfortunately, most of the Pipe Drug including all the wheels collapsed to pulp in attempting to move it – so the only photographs and measurements in existence were those that Ron had taken! On one of his visits to Clay Mills Ron was given an old document stating that it was built around 1912, and was used to transport 27" diameter water pipes to where they were to be laid from the railway siding in Burton. The model was completed in October 2006 and since then Ron has received a copy of the pipe details for which he hopes to make and include with the model some time in the near future. ß If you move the mouse pointer over Ron’s model you will see the actually vehicle as it was before it disintegrated on being moved. |
Serles, “papajo”, is a retired Branch Manager of an Industrial Engineering
Group who lives in St Charles, Missouri. Joe has been making scale
models of waggons and buggies for about 6 years and has sent in
this picture of a 1/8th
scale buckboard from plans ordered from
Walnut has been used for the wheel rim, poplar for the spokes,
and bubinga for the rest of the model. The Schuler springs are from
steel wire, the front springs are made from automotive oil dip sticks
which were from an old local garage. The fifth wheel is made from
aluminium stock and hand file to shape, and the stringers under
the buckboard are from coat hangers beaten into shape on and anvil.
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This weekend, (Friday 20th
to Sunday 22nd
April 2007) I attended the annual Woodex show at the Warwickshire
Exhibition Centre. As usual the GOMW had a display of members’ models,
and I include three for your enjoyment that haven’t been shown in
the Gallery before!
first model is a Mobile Pigeon Loft made in 1/12th
scale by Brian Young – it was completed in 1986 and took about 400
hours to make. These vehicles were introduced in France and Flanders
in the early stages of the First World War, remaining in use until
the mid 1920s. By 1918 there were over a hundred used on all parts
of the Western Front. Each vehicle contained fifty to sixty carrier
pigeons in the care of an NCO and fatigue man. |
member Ray Hill lives in Nuneaton , Warwickshire, and here is his
scale model of John Thompson’s Ledge Caravan. The actual full-size
vehicle was built in 1914 by the renowned gypsy caravan maker, “Dunton
and Sons” of Reading. This vehicle must rank as one of the most
ornate horse drawn vehicles ever built. Ray has done a wonderful
job with the intricate carving and painting. Not only would the
interior have been highly functional, it would have also been lavishly
decorated. The built-in furniture would have been French polished
mahogany, the large bevelled mirrors, with identical vase motifs
cut into the silver backed surface. The “Hostess” type stove with
a gilded decorated surround, and the white and blue enamelled steel
plate. There would have been brass curtain rods on brackets on which
bobble-fringed curtains would have been hung. There are several
hundred hours of work involved in creating a model to this high
standard of craftsmanship! |
mouse pointer over picture to view other side. |
left is a fine 1/8th
scale model of a Lincolnshire Hermaphrodite made from David Wray
plans by Guild member Patrick Hall from Warwickshire. It has wooden
axels and hoop tyres and was built in 1853. This type of vehicle
was common throughout the East Midlands, and for most of the year
the rear part only was used as a tip cart. At harvest time an ingenious
conversion provided the wagon with a large carrying platform needed
in the corn growing districts. The model here shows the forecarriage
and loading platform fitted. |
á Shown above is an outstanding 1/8th scale model of an Oxfordshire Waggon, constructed from plans of John Thompson and made by Guild member Paul Woods who lives in Oxfordshire. Paul has taken just over a year to complete the model, and during the whole of that time he has posted his progression HERE in the forum, along with many pictures. There is a wealth of information contained therein; from the timber used, the construction of the parts, the paint used, and much more. Anyone contemplating making a model for the first time, and indeed any experienced model maker will find a lot of help in the 6 pages of progression that will be usefull in making any model. .............. ...... Move mouse pointer over picture to see different view. |
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This weekend, (Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June 2007), I attended
a GOMW exhibition at Boscobel House, Near Telford, Staffordshire,
and I include the following two models. Guild member John Huntbatch
from Stoke-on-Trent bought along this farm tip cart in 1/12th
scale from John Thompson plans. This type of cart was used for all
types of work around the farm and thousand were made in workshops
all over the country following the introduction of the simple and
functional design from Scotland in the mid 19th
Century. This example was used in Sussex until it was acquired by
the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, near Chichester. The tailboard
hinges and lifts off, extension boards sit above the side for bulky
loads and of course the whole body tips. |
scale model of a Wheel-Car was exhibited by Guild member Biddy Hepper
who lives in Gwynedd, North Wales. It was made by Biddy’s late husband
who had it measured up when seen in the reserve collection of the
Acton Scott Farm Museum. Wheel-Cars, according to J. Geraint Jenkins
in “Agricultural Transport in Wales”, are uniquely Welsh vehicles
used widely in Central Wales, especially Radnorshire, The Marches
and South Wales, where different variants exist; according to the
location. It is particularly stable and controllable on mountain
slopes. It was used essentially for harvesting bracken or hay and
when loaded was front heavy, keeping the front skids on the ground
to act as a brake when going down-hill. à |
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ß Guild member Hefin Jones has made this Timber Waggon in 1/8th scale from John Thompson plans. The inclusion of the axe, saw, sledge hammer and wedges along with the chain in the box located on the forecarriage gives the ‘finishing touch’ to the model. The model was photographed at Acton Scott on the 16th June 2007. |
Rake is a member of The Guild of Model Wheelwrights and lives in
Venice, Florida, USA, but lived here in the UK for a number of years
working on the Trident missile submarines in Barrow-in-Furness.
On retirement, several years ago, Frank was looking for a challenging
hobby to do during the long winter nights and came across John Thompson’s
plans in the Hobby’s catalogue. He picked the hardest he could find
– the Ledge Caravan! What a wonderful job he has done for a first
time model! The model is in 1/8th
scale, and the timbers used are birch and maple. By chance he attended
a Guild exhibition at Stoneleigh and joined as an associate member
but later became an ordinary member upon completing the Ledge Caravan.
He is currently working on a model of John Thompson’s Brush Waggon,
which is half way to completion to date. à |
The beautifully detailed model of a Pot Waggon shown left is the
second model Frank Rake has completed. Prior to leaving England
in 1999 to go back to the States he measured the Pot Waggon at Acton
Scott and produced plans in 1/8th
scale, which were later donated to the Guild along with various
photographs. The timber used throughout for this model is English
boxwood. The intricate detail that Frank has achieved on this model
can be compared to the real thing by going to this Acton
page of the forum. |
Member Joe Cartledge has made about 40 models over quite a number
of years and each one is unique, inasmuch as each has been discovered,
researched and plans produced by Joe himself. The vehicle shown
here is a Knife Grinders Cart; dated at around 1912 – 1944. This
horse drawn vehicle would have been pulled through the streets and
used to sharpen any blunt knives, scissors and shears etc; that
had been sent out from various houses in the area. Each vendor would
have their own distinctive sing-song cries, bells, chime whistle,
or horns to announce their arrival in the street. In the ‘mouse-over’
picture, which shows a view from the top, can be seen the foot treadle
at the back. This would have been sometimes operated by a young
boy, which turned the belt-driven flywheel and the two grind stones.
Likewise, the bellows would have been operated by the same young
boy to heat the coals for the knife grinder to forge and work tools
on the anvil and vice. |
á The model is built to 1/8th scale using measurements taken from the actual vehicle which is now in a private collection at Cheadle in Staffordshire. Move
mouse pointer over picture to see top view. |
The original vehicle was built by George Illsley, a coachbuilder of Ashby de la Zouch, a small market town in North-West Leicestershire in England. The principal feature of a wagonette is the longitudinal seats where the passengers would face each other, and in this example would seat 12 passengers on these longitudinal seats. It would have been used for carrying parties on trips and outings, being pulled by a pair of horses. It has long soft springing to the rear, elliptic front springs, foot operated brakes to the rear wheels and access is gained by ascending the three steps to the rear door. The timber Joe has used throughout is beech. Move mouse pointer over picture to see rear view. |
This outstanding detailed model of a Shand Mason, Horse Drawn,
Steam Driven Fire Engine has been made by Graham “greenie” Green,
who lives in Brisbane Australia.The original six sheets of drawings
were drawn in 1/6th
scale, but Graham had them scanned and reduced by 50% to get
them to 1/12th
scale; a scale that he likes working in and also to suit all
the other horse drawn models that he has completed. |
I/12th scale Shand Mason, Horse Drawn, Steam Driven Fire Engine. Move mouse pointer over picture to see rear view.
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ßThe Hertfordshire Dung Cart model shown here was photographed at Blists Hill Open Air Museum, Telford, on Sunday 22nd February 2009. This is made in 1/8th scale from David Wray's plans by Guild member Mick Davis who lives in Wolverhampton. A large tipping dung cart fitted with ladder and copse for use in the harvest field. Very typical of the county. It has iron axles and hoop tyres. |
model photographed at the same venue as the previous one above.à This is a 1/8th scale model of an Austrian 6pdr. Field Gun, and dates from around 1810. It has been made by Guild member John Walford, (Tedwin), who drew up his own plans based on available illustrations and photographs. Only one of these has survived, made in 1814, and is housed in the museum at Graz in Austria. The woodwork of the carriage was painted pale yellow and the ironwork painted black, as it has been realised that a matt black barrel could sustain a higher rate of fire before overheating. John has turned the barrel from mild steel and then lightly had it shot blasted to give the scale appearance of having been cast in sand. The rivets and chain are the only pasts not made from scratch. |
scale model of a Covered Night Soil Cart has been made by Guild
member Ralph Kitching who lives in London. It was completed in April
2004, and was taken from illustrations in a 1900 catalogue. It took
520 hours to complete. The full-size cart had curved oak soles with
tongued and grooved bottom boards, by which a perfectly water-tight
depth of six inches was obtained, which held all liquid matter in
the night soil. |
great 1/8th
scale model of a Square-Fronted
Brougham has been made by Paul Woods who lives in Oxfordshire.
The plans are from John Thompson’s “Master Carriagebuilder” collection.
John Thompson says of this vehicle “The Brougham was the most
popular of the closed carriages in the 19th
Century, perhaps because it could seat up to four persons, yet
be pulled by a single horse. Such vehicles were in use as family
coaches but in their later years many were fitted with roof luggage
racks and served on station and cab ranks. There is a wealth of detail in this model; from its intricate shaping of the fifth-wheel assembly, the hinged glazed doors, the rich upholstery, carriage lamps and neat lining-out. If you go HERE you will find an 18 page step-by-step build and progression of Paul's model and many more pictures. |
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Paul Keith,
(PK for short) who lives in Mesa, Arizona in the USA, has made a
number of fine horse drawn vehicle models in 1/8th
scale. Shown here is a Telephone Company Construction Crew Wagon
which dates around 1900 to 1910. The Bell System logo depicted is
the one in use from 1878 to 1969. The decal was made on standard
white backed decal sheet on an inkjet printer. PK has also included
much of the telephone technician's gear which would be carried in
the wagon; such as the leather safety harnesses, shovels, sledge
hammers, axes, wire cutters and also a dated newspaper, all neatly
made in 1/8th
scale! There are also ropes, ladders, telephone cable on a wooden
reel and water bags, essential to the crew working in the arid climate
of the South West States. There is an excellent 6 page account on
the progression of the building of this model. Click HERE
for more details. |
who lives in Cape Town, South Africa, à
started working on this model of a Studebaker Sprinkler Wagon in
May 2008 and completed it two years later in May 2010, taking a
total of 424 hours to complete. Richard has worked from Ivan Collins’
plans, purchased from
which were reduced from 1/8th
scale to 1/10th
scale to suite metric measurements which Richard is more familiar
with. The model is loosely based on the type used in Klamath Falls,
Oregon. In the heat of the summer the streets were so thick with
dust that they required continuous watering. In about 1910 the dust
problem lessened when the streets started being paved. To see the
informative progression of the building of this model, and many
other pictures, go to THIS
page in the SMHDV Forum. |
is another excellent model made by Paul Woods who lives in Oxfordshire.
This is the fourth model of Paul’s which can be seen in this Gallery;
and, as with the others, there is a very comprehensive tutorial
on the build and progression of the model – see HERE
in the SMHDV Forum.
The model was started in the January of 2010 and completed June
2011 – taking 17 months to make.
The Hansom Cab was very much a part of city life in late Victorian and in Edwardian times. The plans that Paul worked from are those of John Thompson’s, in 1/8th scale. It is quite a difficult and complicated model to make, on account of the many compound angles used in its structure. This example was built by Forder of Wolverhampton, who established an unequalled reputation, and built very many of the London cabs. The popularity of the Hansom Cab was unchallenged for some 72 years until the early part of the 20th century with the introduction of the motor cab. Its final demise came in 1914 with the outbreak of WW1; although a few did survive into the 1920s. |
and the following model has been made by Gus à
MacMaster who lives in Wilkie, Saskatchewan, Canada. The 'Lange
Spring Wagon' named after A. Lange in whose yard in town the derelict
wagon was found. Although in a state of disintegration there was
enough left to obtain measurements for a 1:8 scale model to be
constructed. The model was built with a 'working' spring suspension
made of spring steel. |
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The Buckboard was constructed from John Thompson plans that he
made from the original that is now in a private collection. The
1:8 model was constructed of oiled American black walnut and brass.
Construction took place over a period of 18 mothhs and simultaneous
to the construction of the Lange Wagon. To see the informative progression of the building of this model, and many other pictures, go to THIS page in the SMHDV Forum. |
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